Pet Tips & Tricks for Spring!

Spring is a great time to get you and your pet out of doors for many of the activities that have kept you in all winter long! As spring rolls around and the days get longer consider some great activities you can do with your pooch!

Join a dog park club!

springblog1.jpgMany dog parks have “Pack Clubs.” These clubs are groups of dogs who get along good with each other and share similar play styles. Finding a play group or pack group is easy! Go to your local dog park and watch your pets interactions with other pets. Once a secure friendship between pets is made introduce yourself to you furbabies pet parents and decide on a date and time. Not only will your pet start to recognize their play date but being in a play group cuts down the number of incidences which are not wanted, like fighting, growling or toy guarding!


Train for a 5k

Many cities have pet friendly marathons which you can train for while taking advantage of the warm but not too warm spring months! Conditioning for your pet is the same as yourself!. Take frequent runs/walks, adding a little more time or distance with each stage completed! Dont forget the food! When training your pet needs adequate supplies of calories and nutrients to keeps his or her energy up and running! Make sure you speak to your veterinarian before training to discuss an adequate diet to help sustain the calories lost!



Give that Spring Clean feeling to your pets!

Get your furry friend a good spring cleaning! As soon as temperatures start to rise, consider taking a trip to the groomer for a thorough wash and trim. This will help shake loose the thicker winter coat and have them looking and smelling great in order to show off for their friends at the park!

Bring your pet into American Grooming Academy for our Spring Spa Special!



Consider Volunteering at your local animal shelter

Spring time is the time of the year that most adoptable pets find their forever homes, making it the perfect time to lend a hand at your local animal shelter or sanctuary. With more families coming in to look for and meet their forever friends many shelters don’t have adequate staff to adopt, clean, play and perform general maintenance. many shelter also have spring projects that they wish to accomplish before it gets too hot, so consider donating your time, expertise or materials to building projects!


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